This work clearly express the signature thought of the creators amongst works by mé. At first glance, the movement of 8000 clocks hanging in suspension could look like a flock of birds or school of fish.
If we regard a single movement as an individual of a hypothetical biological species and the whole as a group, the relationship between an individual and the group suddenly emerges in this work with a sense of reality. Even if there is no element in the individual’s will to form a group, the group (seems to) behave as if it is a single gigantic life form that has nothing to do with any individual’s will.
When looking at this work in this way, it begins to raise a sharp question that gets close to the crux of the uncertainty of our existence. If the time spent by each individual movement is a metaphor for its own subjective moment and free will, what does the cloud-like vision shown by the whole mean? The creators don’t say too much and rather boldly leave most of the questioning process to viewers – this approach can be said to be the artists’ character.
Is a group a simple outcome of individuals behaving in a survival-adaptive way or is an individual a part of a group that it forms and maintains?
The viewer’s perspective bounces back and forth in between these two poles on a straight line. When looking at the entire work, one will see an enormous number of flickering second hands while if focusing one’s Any group that we form also lies on this same straight line and its equilibrium point is constantly shifting and behaving dynamically. The perspective that prioritises individuals is sometimes accepted by crowds as something with a certain attractiveness for a short period of time. However, more often it is regarded as egocentric and rejected as something ugly or dirty and excluded. The perspective of respecting groups over individuals is regarded as beauty, altruism, and goodness and sometimes even over-appreciated and backed by a political agenda. However such a perspective forces the sacrifice of individuals to a greater or lesser extent. Which direction we would lean towards is dependent on our environment and neither is better nor worse than the other. We could say that simply being dynamic and being something that embraces uncertainty within itself is the survival strategy we have chosen as a species.
There is no one but us who assesses whether our innate nature is good or bad. Although the act of discussing this question is recursive, there is no more meaning than training the intellect to enjoy controversy or facilitating communication through it. However, because part of our brain’s function is intrinsically responsible for making these judgments, we are made to perceive them as if they are given standards and we have no choice but to evaluate human existence as evil, good, ugly, beautiful in a state in which subjectivity and objectivity are confused. This is where our weakness and fascination lies. In this way, this artwork would provide an opportunity with viewers to pose a question on the significance of beauty and value itself.
Nkano Nobuko
Neuroscientist, professor at Higashi Nippon International University
*extract from MonET Official Catalog (p29)